Dubai Government AI Readiness Survey

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Dear Chief AI Officers,

The Dubai Center for Artificial Intelligence (DCAI) is conducting a comprehensive AI Adoption Readiness Survey across all government entities. Your participation is crucial as we work together to advance Dubai's AI capabilities and services.

This survey is a key step in understanding our current AI landscape and planning for the future. Your honest responses will help shape policies, allocate resources, and guide our collective efforts in AI development and implementation.

This survey aims to create a comprehensive picture of the current AI capabilities, resources, and readiness across all government entities in Dubai. We recognize the diversity in size and AI maturity among our entities, and we value input from every organization, regardless of where you are in your AI journey.

Your responses will be instrumental in:

  1. Identifying our city's AI strengths and areas for growth
  2. Developing targeted initiatives to enhance Dubai's AI ecosystem
  3. Efficiently allocating resources to accelerate our AI capabilities
  4. Fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing among government entities

We understand that the complexity and scale of AI implementation vary greatly across entities. Whether you're leading large-scale AI projects or just beginning to explore AI's potential, your perspective is equally important. Please answer to the best of your ability, focusing on your primary systems or providing an overview that best represents your entity's current state of AI readiness.

Your candid responses are crucial in shaping Dubai's AI strategy and our city's technological future. This survey is not just a data collection exercise—it's your opportunity to influence the direction of AI development in Dubai.

Thank you for your time and valuable contribution to this important initiative. Together, we will build a smarter, more innovative Dubai.

About the Challenge

The biggest global challenge for developers of Gen AI innovative solutions

This challenge will be an open competition, the largest of its kind in the world, for developers of innovative generative AI solutions. It will be organized in partnership between the Dubai Centre for Artificial Intelligence, the Office of Artificial Intelligence, Digital Economy, and Remote Work Applications, and DFF.

The challenge, which includes three main categories: literature, art, and coding, aims to strengthen Dubai’s and the UAE’s positions as destinations for talent and entrepreneurs as well as a center for developing a new generation of innovations associated with prompt engineering.

The challenge will take place at the Museum of the Future over two days in May 2024. The first day will focus on selecting the top 30 international programmers in the field of prompt engineering among the candidates, who qualify for the final phase on the second day. Programmers will then be split into five groups who will compete to provide the best content in the three categories. The completed projects will be evaluated by a specialized evaluation committee based on speed, quality, and accuracy.

The winners in the three categories of the challenge will be awarded a prize of AED 1 million, as well as an opportunity to get the Golden Visa.

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